Cannot not?
Yes, can't not fight back
Not all things are possible without a fight
They say that insanity is doing the same things over and over and hoping for a different result to the usual bad outcome.
My long term gentleness and acceptance of slander upon my life, no matter how personally damaging that was, never produced anything good for our community.
Anne McCracken, please wake up.
And stop Bailey's harassing.
Anyone else?
Just stop her.
Our country is corrupt, right down to Anne McCracken.
When do I get a turn on our access community radio?
Day 40 Oh dear, I wanted to be finished with the negativity. My campaign is ready for Stage Go-ahead. Had our public meeting last night. Rach Bailey and her husband Mike Bailey turned up .... heckle! It was written all over their faces. Only, it's difficult to do that when there are only six people in total. We all had to get along. That was fine --- until I got home and remembered that my job here is to be on the offensive against Socialists wiles --- Why didn't I ask her for the names of the trustees? How come I let her away with that? I clean forgot, that's all. I was giving my nervous energy releasing speeches! I even did some off the cuffing!! Afterwards, Mike tried to have a go at me - saying that I'm an extremist, in the context of my having visited the Parliament Protest. Rach and Mike were at pains to side with Paula Penfold. Rach implied that she works voluntarily for Stuff. Those two can ask intelligent questions alright, which confirms that they are ...