Open letter to NZ Police and all Kiwis everywhere, regarding Mike Bailey's wife and New Zealand's state of mind

I have never harassed anybody in my life. In fact, you know that I myself suffered dreadfully from beyond harassment (the Rizzi deal) and took it like a trooper. You also know that you seriously let the community down regarding the Rizzi deal. Oh well, I am still your friend in general.

Sometimes our biggest gang is just plain stupid. Other times, corrupt, like Coster saying he was hindsight proud of police thuggery while ending our February Parliament Protest.
I'll bet most within our tribe think he's an emotional retard.

I received a silly letter from you, warning me against who knows what, except that I do know very well about the words of the Harassment Act you kindly provided for my information. I know about that, because our systems also let the community down when I sought closure to the Church's abuse regarding the Rizzi deal. I am not allowed to say which denomination. I was gagged by that CE's threats of further harm.

I reckon you are aware that Presbyterianism is a mainstream deep seated mind bending cult in New Zealand. It's full of Gloriavalian shepherds masquerading as secular servants and/or worshipers in various pop ups. How did I get onto this? Oh, because getting harassed by you, on Bailey's behalf, is triggering in several directions at once. (This paragraph has nothing to do with the previous.) Yesterday somebody tried to convince me that I should support Seymour. I had considered ACT, for a short while, until I clicked that Seymour is just another confused nasty Presbyterian. I realised this even before the Covid cult gripped our community.
No jab no job, not a man after God's own heart, just a blah david.

I am supporting you, and our SIS. I like you well enough. Thank you for your letter. It is providing me another stepping stone to wherever I am headed next on Pathway Peaceful.

Some Police acted corruptly in my personal Rizzi deal situation, but I have hope that the general great stupidity which has crept in to our favourite gang will start subsiding soon. I forgave you, and I deserve to hope.

I have hope for New Zealand society.

And now, on to the NZSIS.

This month I made my first ever tweets, which was one message. It's just been sitting there, minding it's own business, like me, while women like Bailey skulk around finding ways to continue harassing me.

But now, since I'm writing out another jumble, allow me to widen its scope. I quite liked how my tweeted message got lost in the abyss - but Bailey.
But Bailey. 
But Bailey.

How did we get to this place where my sweet wedding day singer manages to use our Police to harass me, three decades later? Oh boy oh boy oh boy.

Here are my recent tweets. The context was Stuff's projectile propaganda which we all know doesn't fool anyone (except for Tony Vanderlem, a 'friend' I had to leave behind recently).

(Ahh, how weird is it, feeling like Rebecca Kitteridge and I are bosom buddies? Strangely, not at all! I need somebody big as to replace the small fools I've been discarding. Beks it is.)

Know the signs: 12 things easily imagined

1. Dear wee Becky actually seems mortified.

2. She reads those scripts like she's thinking, "this is so embarrassing."

3. She can hardly face her team now, and feels terribly othered, (you know, like 'me and them' mentality). Poor Beks!

4. Paul Hunt didn't mean it like that and, anyway, he didn't write it.

5. He is desperately concerned about somebody's state of mind.

6. He used to have a messiah complex himself but, latterly, he has dropped it.

7. He must keep his post though, because somebody confides in him. He's not having the wool pulled over his eyes. His commitment to the job is motivated by love. He's the man for our times.

8. He's aware that faux victims are having a field day primping and preening.

9. He's keeping his finger on the pulse for everyone's sake, truly. He's a perceptive man.

10. He reckons that we would be shattered if anyone broke down. He's working hard to avoid that. Our human rights is in a safe pair of hands.

11. He's choosing to be more concerned for the wannabe victims, and the feigning worried, because they are vulnerable in their minority.

12. He is counting on the Kiwi spirit of the majority seeing us through to safe ground. He believes in us. That's really nice. This is our Summer of Content.

Dear Police, if Bailey darkens your doorstep again to complain about me being an ordinary Kiwi, please take her in. You know she has a history of wasting our Police time with her perpetual wannabe victim-hood. I am worried about her mental state; she needs help.

Sometimes arresting somebody is the only way left.

Dear Rebecca, I really like you, or am I grasping at straws? I don't think so. She whom I stopped being able to name is giving you the run around, and I can sympathise with that.
It does your head in doesn't it.
Please, could you get her arrested for all her wrong doing?
Do it gently, but get it done.
Just an idea from the silent majority.

Dear Constable J Chatfield, I have never harassed Rach Bailey. This complaint is her latest known action of abusing me which began when she illegally prevented me from prerecording a community minded programme at our local access community radio. This blog, which is the place I exposed her illegal behaviour, after giving her another chance to come clean, was previously done and dusted. Obviously not well done enough. 

May the dust resettle elsewhere this time.

Kia ora and every sort of ora, o te ora mana haka ish, tena koutou katoa o te ora whanau, hei hei
Jack for PM

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