Day 32 tahi (one)

A new friend gave me this, so sweet....

Once there was a fire in a jungle. A little sparrow saw it. Straight away she went to the nearby river, filled some water in her little beak and tried to put out the fire. She kept doing it.
There was also a crow who was looking at her. He laughed, and came to her and said,
"Why are you doing this? It is not going to make any difference! The fire is big, the whole jungle is burning down. You can't stop it".
The wee sparrow looked at him and said, 
"I know I am little and my little beak can not carry much water. But when people will talk about this fire in the jungle, they will remember me as someone who tried to put out the fire not the one who did nothing!!"
The crow felt embarrassed and flew away. 

Remember, keep fighting for what you think is right for you and the people you love. My best wishes for you. 

Seriously, this is very meaningful that my new friend shared with me.

I am fifth generation Southlander, and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't actually know that I represent the mighty Majority, including my new Kiwi friend from a far away place.

You gotta be positive.
I hear of the troubles brave Kiwis are facing. As well as our unnecessarily induced economic hard times, some Police have a seared conscience, and our Judiciary cowards are complicit. I know all this from personal experience too.

And, I am no martyr.
I am a mother.

The last thing I would be remembered for is my fighting a losing war. 

I have lost many personal battles against the old boys' network, and I know I won't be remembered for those. You get forgotten for such battles, not remembered.
You fought those battles purely for the sake of the children and the children are constantly moving on with your support, and you cannot be helping the children if you're wanting to be remembered for martyrdom. 

I'm not foolhardy.
I'm a winner with All Us Moderates. 

So, I reject the ending of my friend's story.
It's not me, and it's not us.

As for the crow, it's more like a bird of prey.
Shameless vultures.

After the PP I lost a friend.
She was upstartish about what my own husband gave me his blessing to do!
She was also rushing to the defense of mainstream media and our brutal Police.
I kept responding, and the end only came when I obeyed her demand to stop answering her. 

So funny - not - but that's the Kiwi spirit. We laugh over crying matters.

My message to her last week -

Be a good citizen and pass on this link, far and wide, for the sake of the children.

In the meantime, mind your own effen business.
Perhaps there'll be another time in the future that our paths of truth meet.

We need all hands on deck.
No response!
Isn't it sad when you have to resort to language outside your usual style to get somebody to stop harassing, while you are reaching out for the common good.


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