Day 40

Oh dear,
I wanted to be finished with the negativity.
My campaign is ready for Stage Go-ahead.

Had our public meeting last night.

Rach Bailey and her husband Mike Bailey turned up .... heckle!
It was written all over their faces.

Only, it's difficult to do that when there are only six people in total.

We all had to get along.
That was fine --- until I got home and remembered that my job here is to be on the offensive against Socialists wiles ---

Why didn't I ask her for the names of the trustees?

How come I let her away with that?

I clean forgot, that's all.
I was giving my nervous energy releasing speeches!
I even did some off the cuffing!!

Afterwards, Mike tried to have a go at me -
saying that I'm an extremist, in the context of my having visited the Parliament Protest.

Rach and Mike were at pains to side with Paula Penfold.
Rach implied that she works voluntarily for Stuff.

Those two can ask intelligent questions alright, which confirms that they are cunning as serpents and not innocent as doves.

Rach  ---
For years, you have been getting around falsely accusing your fellow Kiwis and meddling with others' families.
This may be my final opportunity for our community to try making you regret stomping on my freedom of speech.
That really hurt my family, Rach.

Apologise for unfairly stripping away my lawful right to prerecord at our community access radio.

Yes, the evening was civilised and pleasant - but only because I would be a mighty good mayor.

Who are the trustees Rach?
It's only fair that the public know.

You are proud of New Zealand's latest abortion laws and reckon you were a policy maker.
Just saying, and just reminding Kiwis.

I think Mr and Mrs Bailey are in the minority.

I hate to have to do this - you know, never complain and never explain (I for one was waiting for Queen Elizabeth to do some explaining about how she felt regarding her pedo son) -
but just in case there are too many Three B's out there who are especially low in comprehension:

I remember earlier writing that we must leave the minority behind.

I didn't mean that we would leave behind our weakest and all those in need of special care.
Not at all.
Quite the opposite.

I meant that the minority consists of the wreckers, the easily offended, the thought police, the liars, the Socialists of the capital 'S', the cowards, the arrogant...
In a nutshell, the minority consists of the haters.
Let's leave that lot behind.
They don't want to belong anyway.
They want to be the Elites, and if they fail at that (most do), they will blame anybody but themselves.

The Majority is Us.

Wherever us aums are up with our game plan, then our society's weakest and all those in need of special attention are properly cared for - like I was after The Rizzi thing and I couldn't go back to the classroom, all those years ago. The unemployment benefit helped me through while I built up my private tutoring business. Thank you, New Zealanders!

Are the Socialists managing to do this for every needy Kiwi presently?
Or, do they need to be even harsher with All Us Moderates - do they need to get away with increasing authoritarianism - do they need more karakia (religion) and shoved up Maori language in our political and educational spaces - do they need us to take our tolerance to the extreme, putting aside caring about ourselves - or, do they want us to get overly upset and worried about how to care for ourselves so that we hunker down into what they call 'fringe groups' that should then be watched like a hawk - do they, Ludlow-like, need to snuff out the little voices - do they need a Socialist government to pay for the media - do they need everybody on the government's pay roll - and do they need to legislate into our very Parliament the wishes of the United Nations and other international upstarts - in order to achieve their darned Utopia?

I am talking about a political movement which our children will one day look back upon and click -
"We lived through a peaceful revolution."

I am talking about the conquering of the old boys' network wherever it has precedence. This is not a socialist verses capitalist issue.
Capitalists of the capital 'C' hate me with equal venom to Socialists. I'm cool with that.
But, it is frustrating to be looked upon askance by the everyday socialists and capitalists.
I just wish New Zealanders would grow up.

I know that I belong, therefore I know that the Majority of us are true dinkum aums.

I was raised in central Southland on a sheep farm and I respect my elders.
It seemed - that disqualified me to the Socialists.
Yet, I was personally well aware of the negatives of colonialism as I grew up.

I was raised within a mainstream Church denomination.
It seemed - that disqualified me to Christians and unbelievers alike.
Yet, the Church turfed me out while I was simultaneously behaving like a Christian and a contented world dweller.

My favourite politician is MJ Savage.

I escaped from the cult of Christianity and I broke the vicious cycle of psychological abuse.
It seemed - that disqualified me to the world, because I just wasn't as unhappy as they wished for.
Yet, I feel like I belong.

I belong with my loving family, my husband and our children.
It seemed - that all hell broke loose.
Socialists hate real families.

I really wish New Zealanders would grow up.

Socialism of the capital 'S' is ruining us, and we need a few more Socialists
to admit it and to walk away from it, for the sake of the children.
Just be Voluntary socialists again. 

Perhaps you've noticed Stuff's behaviour - again.
Two days ago, dear Blair's bosses made him shove Fire and Fury in our faces again, along with old information about a district candidate.
Nothing new, no, and the Bailey's cannot see that this is propaganda and abusive of their fellow Kiwi.
Socialists love corruption.

I'm not sure whether I've said this before -
I am not a conservative.
I will decide what I am if the time comes to need a label.
Perhaps it will be 'neo progressive.'

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